How To Build PyGamma

** These are older (almost deprecated) instructions for how to build PyGAMMA **. See the more recent documentation on How to Build Wheels.

This document describes how to build PyGamma. Note that we offer pip-installable binaries for many platforms.


Building PyGamma consists of 3 general steps,

  1. Satisfying prerequisites
  2. Building PyGamma
  3. Installing PyGamma

These steps are explained in detail below.

Satisfy Prerequsities (All Platforms)

  1. Follow the "Download the Code" instructions for downloading the code.
  2. Install Python if you haven't already.
  3. Install SWIG.
  4. Install a compiler (see platform-specific instructions below).

Compiler (Unix[-Like] Platforms)

PyGamma builds with gcc 4.x and 5.x. It also builds with clang/LLVM.

Linux users, in addition to installing gcc (and possibly gcc-c++), you might also need to install the development package for your version of Python. If the build complains that Python.h is missing, you need to install a package called something like python-dev.

Under OS X, download XCode/Developer XCode to get the build tools you need.

If you're not on OS X, you might want to consider installing an [GammaWithBlasLapack optimized linear algebra library] before building, although this is not essential and will complicate the build. OS X already has such a library installed, and PyGamma can take advantage of it.

Compiler (Windows)

PyGamma is known to build with MSVC 2008. Note that under Windows, Python extensions like PyGamma must be compiled with the same compiler as was used to compile Python. MSVC 2008 is used to build Python 2.7.

How To Build on Unix[-Like] Platforms (OS X, Linux, etc.)

Once you have the prerequisites installed, go to a command line and then change to the gamma/platforms directory. Once there, change into the subdirectory appropriate for your platform. Then, execute this command:

make pysgdist

That will build PyGamma and place the relevant build output files in a place where can find them. When this process completes, you're ready to install PyGamma as explained below.

How To Build on Windows

  1. Open file gamma/platforms/msvc2008e/dynamic/gamma.sln in Visual Studio.
  2. Ensure that python.exe is in your PATH.
  3. Either ensure that swig.exe is in your PATH, or edit the build properties to supply an explicit path to swig.exe on your machine.

If you opt for the latter, open the Visual Studio Project–>Properties menu. Then select Configuration Properties –> Build Events –> Pre-Build Events and then edit the Command Line property. Change "swig" to an explicit path. The result will look something like this:

 "C:\Program Files\swigwin-2.0.0\swig.exe" -c++ -python -outdir ..\..\i686-pc-msvc  -I..\..\src -o ..\..\i686-pc-msvc\pygamma_wrap.cxx pygamma.i
  1. Hit F7 to start the build.

The steps above will build PyGamma and place the relevant build output files in a place where can find them. When this process completes, you're ready to install PyGamma as explained below.

Installing PyGamma (All Platforms)

  1. cd gamma/pygamma
  2. python install

Testing PyGamma (All Platforms)

Once PyGamma is installed, you can run an automated test under any Unix-like operating system from the command line. Change directory to gamma/platforms and then move into the appropriate platform (Linux, OSX, etc.). From there, execute make pytest.

This runs the tests in gamma/src/pyTest. You can also run the .py files there manually.

Under Windows, you can run the automated tests from within Visual Studio. Right click on the pytest project and build it to run all the tests in the gamma/trunk/src/pyTests directory.